thanks for popping by. i try to create uplifting, whimsical, positive content. i hope you and yours are encouraged by it.
i've lived in texas, pennsylvania and southern california.
i've had exciting work opportunities to:
✓ work on a variety of film/tv/commercial productions
✓ serve professionally in christian ministry for 14+ years
✓ design and build sets & stages
✓ complete ucb improv program in hollywood, ca
✓ build a mechanical puppet (bucket list item ✔)
i am triple blessed to be the proud papa of two incredible little gals after having married my best friend. ♡
capn ben:
after releasing my novelty rap video benilla ice - a creative expression set to remind us, in the midst of an increasingly sarcastic culture, to 'just be kind to one another' - surprise! we found the video resonated with children which was unexpected and inspiring. 'what if we made intentional content for kids- in a similar style- with a mission of that makes attractive a life rich in values and good character?' the journey has challenged me personally to grow and do better as my family and i develop this series.
Godspeed and be well, amigos!
ephesians 4:29-32